Friday, February 17, 2012

February 20-24

The second grade class had a great week. We continued to learn about
Egypt and made a portfolio entry which we will use to present to all the classes during International Week. In Math we started Chapter 19 on Multiplication and Division. I have to say I am impressed to see how fast the students are in picking up these concepts. In English, we began a chapter on Adjectives and in Reading we read a non-fiction story about Ants.

As next week is International Week at HIS, we will have a series of activities throughout the week. On Tuesday afternoon, the second and fourth grades will get together for activities on the countries assigned to each class. On Wednesday and Thursday mornings, each grade will visit one another to learn about their assigned country. This is when the second grade students will carry out the presentation on Egypt. We will also make an Egyptian Cartouche name tag using the traditional Egyptian alphabet.

If you borrowed a Reading Book CD from the first semester book could you please return it to the me.

If your child has won any awards outside of school could you please let me know so they can be mentioned at the monthly awards ceremony.

Congratulations to Wilson Tang for being this week's Student of the Week. Wilson has been being very responsible during the class and continues to write excellent journals.

Student of the Week

February 20-24 dates to remember.

- Monday Spelling quiz (flipped, snapping, checking, wasting, dared, dimmed, fainted, striped, breathing, tiring)

- Friday Science quiz on Chapter 7 Using and Saving Resources

Walk like an Egyptian

Learning About Egypt

Valentines Day

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