Monday, November 12, 2012

11/12 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes
Spelling Write sentences for new words; sailor, doctor, weather, suffer, temper, cellar, collar, beggar, solar, feather Bonus Words; mammal, reptile, amphibian, reed, blurry
Math Review for chapter 6 quiz
Reading WB 156-159

* For the Thanksgiving Celebration many parents have
volunteered to bring in a "Bread" dish.  So far no one has signed up
to bring in sweet potatoes or pies (dessert). Would 
anyone who signed up to bring in a "Bread" dish be willing to switch 
to one of these
If you haven't returned the form yet, please do so by 
11/13 so I may find out how many people will be coming. Thank you.

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