Friday, November 30, 2012

Dec 3-7

What a week!

In Math, we are continuing to learning aspects of Plane Shapes.  Next
week we will conclude this chapter and start Chapter 8 Solid Shapes.

This week in Science the students have been busy preparing for their
Animal Presentations.  The students did a wonderful job with
presentations.  I was impressed with their effort.  Well done!  Please
see the pictures below.  I look forward to working more with the
students to improve their presentations skills as the year progresses.
* Towards the end of the year, I will invite the parents in to see the
students' presentations.

Next week we will start Unit 4 in Social Studies titled People Long
Ago.  Each student will make a family tree.  This assignment may
require your assistance for spelling family names and birthdays of
some of your relatives.

For Reading, we will read "A Trip to the Firehouse" from the
Adventures book next week.

Next week is also Literacy Week at HIS.  We have lots of things
planned for the class that will focus on all things "literary".  We
will be concluding our first big chapter book "The Witches" by Roald
Dahl.  We will also have a class competition to make a poster/book
report on your favorite book.  I will pass out the posters to the
students on Friday (11/30) and this assignment is to be completed at
home by the student alone.  Posters are due on Wednesday (12/5).   The
students' work will be judged by Mrs. Welz and myself on the following
criteria - written content, grammar, artistic ability, and effort.

There will also be two book sales next week. Please see the schedule below.
December 5th - HIS Book Sale in Foyer, 8:30AM - 5:00PM
December 6th - Cave's Book Sale in foyer 15% off - 8:30AM - 5:00PM
December 7th - Spelling Bee Assembly, 2:20PM - 3:00PM, Students
present work, competition winners awarded

Regarding the Spelling Bee, please see my post on 11/26 for
information.  The second grade class will compete at 1:10PM on Friday.
 Parents are welcome to come and support the students and stay for the
school assembly at 2:20PM to close out Literacy Week.  The Book Report
awards will be given out during this time as well.

Congratulations to Ayden Smith for being this week's Student of the
Week.  Ayden always takes good care with his work and has become much
more responsible in the class.  Keep up the good work!

December 3-7

Spelling - New words: dancing, skipped, hiking, flipped, snapping,
checking, dimmed, wasting, traced, fainted;  bonus words: symmetry,
vertex, rhombus, trapezoid, acute angle

Wednesday - Book Report Poster is due

Thursday - Math Chapter 7 quiz

Friday - Spelling Bee at 1:10PM

Animal Research Project Presentation

Well Done!

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