Friday, November 16, 2012

November 19-23

This week was highlighted by Fun Day (or fun afternoon) on Wednesday. 
The students seemed to really enjoy doing all the activities created by the 6th
grade students. A big thank you to all the parents for coming out to support the children.

In Math Class this week we completed the unit of study on Number
Concepts and Patterns. Well done to all students on this unit! Next
week in Math we will start Chapter 7 - Plane Shapes. There will be lots of new
Math vocabulary words that we will be learning this chapter related to shapes.

In English, we will complete unit 3 on Nouns and
Pronouns. We will have a quiz on this next Thursday.

In Science we started a new chapter on Animals. Next week we will
continue with this subject, focusing on mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish and birds
and how animals have adapted. We will also start a research
project on animals. Each student will pick one animal and conduct
research, put it on a poster and present their animal to the class.
The presentations will start the last week in November.

In Reading this week we read and discussed five different fables. Feel
free to ask your child which was their favorite and if they can
remember all the morals in the stories. Next week we will start a new
unit of study, "Around Town, Neighborhood and Community". We
will read and discuss a story called, "China Town."

Congratulations to Keiji Tung for being this weeks' Student of the
Week. He has shown great improvement in contributions to class
discussions by raising his hand and by always asking when he is unsure
of the answer.

Next week is Thanksgiving. We all have many things to be thankful for.
During the week the second grade class will reflect on what they are
thankful for. Also thank you to all the parents for volunteering to
bring food in for the school's Thanksgiving Celebration. It will start
on Thursday (11/22) at 12:30 in the cafeteria. It will last about an
hour and a half.

November 19-23

Monday - Spelling: write sentences for new words; sailor, doctor, weather, suffer, temper, cellar, collar, beggar, solar, feather (Bonus Words; mammal, reptile, amphibian, reed, blurry)
Thursday - English Unit 3 test on Nouns and Pronouns

Thursday - Thanksgiving Lunch 12:30 - 2:00

Have a great weekend!

James Anderson

2nd Grade Teacher
Hsinchu International School

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