Friday, November 9, 2012

November 12-16

It was wonderful to talk with so many of you during parent/teacher
meetings this week. If you would like to follow up with anything we
discussed please call between 3:00-4:00 pm, write me an email or drop
in before or after class.

It has been a busy week.  For next week we will continue with our
school work as well as having a "Fun Day" on Wednesday afternoon.
Please see my blog post earlier in the week to help remind your child
what color they should wear that day and to see which team they are
on. Please come along to cheer for the students.

In Math, we continued with Chapter 6 "Number Concepts and Patterns."
Next week we will complete this chapter, review and take the Unit 2
quiz (Chapters 5 and 6).

In English we continued to focus on Nouns and Pronouns.  In Reading
next week we will focus on Fables.

This week in Social Studies we concluded Unit 2, "The World Around Us."
The students were interested in this chapter and raised many great
follow-up questions. Well done!

Next week we will start a new Science unit, "Animals Are Living
Things". During this chapter of study the students will give a class
presentation on an animal of their choice. More information to

Thanksgiving Celebration Forms have gone home with your child this
week. Thank you for returning them so quickly. Many parents have
volunteered to bring in a "Bread" dish.  So far no one has signed up
to bring in sweet potatoes or pies and only one for a meat dish. Would 
anyone who signed up to bring in a "Bread" dish be willing to switch 
to an item above that our class is missing?

Congratulations to Veronica Kuo for being this week's Student of the
Week. Veronica has been taking good care when completing school work.
Keep it up.

November 5-9
Monday - Spelling Quiz on railroad, airport, everywhere, homesick,
understand, anything, ourselves, forever, breakfast, whenever. (Bonus
Words: equator, pole, hemisphere, pierce, novel)

Monday Social Studies quiz on unit 2

Tuesday - Math Chapter 6 quiz

Tuesday - Reading quiz on vocabulary

Friday - Unit 2 test (Chapter 5 and 6)

Best Regards,

James Anderson

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