Wednesday, October 31, 2012

November 5-9

We had a short but sweet week for the second grade class.  The
students practiced hard for their Halloween song and we all had a fun
morning parading in our costumes and listening to the songs sung by
other classes.

Next week will be a full week with the parent/teacher meetings on
Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon and evening. A pre-conference form has
been sent home with your child today. If you can fill it out and send
it back on Monday that would help me be more prepared for our meeting.
My meeting with each parent(s) will be 15 minutes.  I will stick to
this schedule and if we require more time we can arrange another time
to meet either later that day or later in the week.

First quarter reports have been sent home with your child today.

In Math we will continue with Chapter 6 Number Concepts and Patterns.

In Social Studies the students have been very curious about what
we've been learning and we will continue learning about climate and
weather patterns next week.

In English we will continue Unit 3 on Nouns and Pronouns. We will also
have a Reading Comprehension quiz next week.

In Reading we will read and compare a non-fiction story ("Owls") with
a fiction story ("Owl Moon").

Congratulations to Jacob Chen for being the Student of the Week! He
has been doing a great job of asking questions when he is unsure of
the answer and is always ready for class in the morning.

 November 5-9

Monday - Spelling Quiz (horse, chore, firm, dirty, curve, world, pure,
thirteen, search, shirt. Bonus Words: immerse, coax, transparent,
transfer, greasy)

Thursday - Reading Comprehension Quiz

Friday - Science Quiz on Chapter 2 "The World Around Us"

I Want Candy! The song.

10/31 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes
Math WB 6.2
English Grammar WB 19-23
Reading Journal "How do you try to be a good friend to others?"
Spelling Review for quiz
Social Studies Make map of neighborhood (see handout)

* Parents please fill out and send back Pre-Conference Form

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

11/30 Homework

Homework; Read for 20 minutes
Math WB 6.1
Reading Comprehension WB "Making Cookies"

*Be ready in the morning for Halloween parade and song

Monday, October 29, 2012

10/29 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes
Math Review for chapter 5 quiz
Spelling Write sentences for new words; horse, chore, firm, dirty, curve, world, pure, thirteen, search, shirt Bonus Words; immerse, coax, transparent, transfer, greasy

Friday, October 26, 2012

October 29-31

First, welcome, Phillip, to the second grade class!

Next week is the mid-semester break so we will have a shorter week -
Monday to Wednesday.

Your child will bring home a conformation form today for the
parent/teacher meetings which will be held on November 6th and 7th. I
look forward to talking more with you then.

In Math this week we focused on number place values and different ways
to represent numbers. On Monday we will have a quiz on this and then
start Chapter 6,  Number Concepts and Patterns.

In Social Studies we continued with Unit 2 and focused on different
types of land forms and how to interpret maps. Part of the homework
this weekend will be making up a map of the student's own
neighborhoods. A detailed description of this assignment is in the
homework book.  Next week we will look at seasons and climates.

In Reading, we read the story,  "Around the Pond: Who's Been Here?". Due
to the shorter week next week we will not read a story from the
Reading book but focus on reviewing the stories and assignments we
have done so far in Reading class.

In English we started Unit 3, "Nouns and Pronouns". Next week we will
continue with this and the students will present their personal
narratives to the class before displaying them in the library.

This week's Student of the Week is Kisa. She has made improvements in  
class and always asks when she is not sure of the answer. Keep up the hard work! 
Congratulations to Jin Lee for earning the 2nd grade caring student award. Jin is always respectful to others and works well with all students. Great job!  

Dates to remember for October 29-31
Monday - Spelling quiz (Test Words: gear, spear, stare, alarm, cheer,
hairy, starve, beard, scarf, startle. Bonus Words: relative location,
absolute location, land form, region, climate)
Tuesday - Math Chapter 5 quiz
Wednesday - 9-10:20 am Fancy Dress Day Parade and songs at the
basketball court. Parents are welcome to come and join us.
Thursday and Friday - No School (Mid-Semester Break)

  • October 31 Fancy dress day (Halloween)
  • Nov 1-2 Mid-Semester break
  • Nov 6-7 Parent/Teacher meetings
  • Nov 14 Fun Day
  • Nov 22 American Thanksgiving/Lunch
  • Nov 30 Monthly Assembly
  • Dec 3-7 Literacy Week
  • Dec 4 School book sale
  • Dec 6 Cave’s book sale
  • Dec 7 Spelling Bee
  • Dec 13 Christmas concert rehearsal
  • Dec 14 Christmas concert (evening)
  • Dec 17 Monthly Assembly
  • Dec 18 Half day

10/26 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes
Math WB 5.6
Journal - "What qualities do you look for in a friend?"
Spelling Review for quiz
Music Practice song for Halloween

Thursday, October 25, 2012

10/25 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes
Math WB 5.5
Reading WB 138-141 and sign quiz

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

10/24 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes
Practice song for Halloween
Math WB 5.3 - 5.4
Reading WB 133-137

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

10/23 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes
Math WB 5.2
Reading Comprehension WB "Where is Kitty?"
English Grammar WB 16-18
Music and Math sign test

Monday, October 22, 2012

10/22 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes
Math - WB 5.1
Spelling - Write sentences for new words; gear, spear, stare, alarm, cheer, hairy, starve, beard, scarf, startle Bonus Words; relative location, absolute location, land form, climate

Friday, October 19, 2012

October 22-26

The second grade class celebrated two birthdays this week. Happy
Birthday to Jin and Abigail!

In Math Class we completed Chapter 4 "Data, Graphing and Probability"
and have been reviewing the Unit 1 test which will cover everything
from Chapter 1 to 4. That test will be on Monday.  We will also start
a new unit and Chapter 5 "Place Values".

In Science we concluded the chapter on "Plants Are Living Things". The
students all enjoyed exploring and learning about plants. This
included plant parts, what they need to survive and the life cycle.

Next week we will start Chapter 2 in Social Studies - "The World
Around Us". We will be looking at different regions, climate and land
forms with a focus on maps and grids.

In Reading class we continued with our unit 2 theme "Nature Walk" and
read a non-fiction story "Exploring Parks with Ranger Dockett". Next
week we will continue with this theme and read a new story "Around the
Pond: Who's been Here?"

In English class we worked on the writing process for the students'
personal narratives.  The students have been typing their story up in
neat publishable format.  We will make them into a book and put it on
display in the library.  Next week we will also start Unit 3 "Nouns
and Pronouns".

Congratulations to Shunta Toyama for being this week's student of the
week. Shunta has been very focused in class and is always working on
the task at hand. Keep it up!

Next Friday is the school assembly which will start at 2:20 pm.
Parents are welcome to attend.

October 22-26
Monday - Spelling Quiz (pound, howl, jaw, bounce, always, shout, aloud
couple, false, couch. Bonus Words: explore, habitat, protect, ranger,
Monday - Math Test on Chapters 1-4
Wednesday - Reading quiz
Friday - School Assembly

Have a great week! Please feel free to email me or stop in after
school if you would like to chat or have any questions about your

Best Wishes,

James Anderson

10/18 Homework

Happy Birthday Abigail!

Homework: Read for 20 minutes
Math Review for unit test Chapters 1-4
Spelling Review for quiz
English Journal "What traditions do you and your family have for your favorite holiday?"
Reading WB 131-132

Thursday, October 18, 2012

10/18 Homework

Happy Birthday Jin!

Homework: Read for 20 minutes
Math WB 1.2
Reading WB 126-130
Science Review for Chapter 1 quiz

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

10/17 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes
Math WB 3.4 and 2.3 Problem Solving and Sign chapter 4 quiz
Reading WB 120-125

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

10/16 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes
Math Review for Chapter 4 quiz
Reading WB 113-118
English Comprehension WB "Lunch Box Surprise"

Monday, October 15, 2012

10/15 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes
Math WB 4.5 (Problem Solving)
Reading WB 109-112
Spelling write sentences for new words; pound, howl, jaw, bounce, always, shout, aloud, couple, false, couch Bonus Words; explore, habitat, protect, ranger, urban
Please sign the spelling quiz week 6

Friday, October 12, 2012

October 15-19

It's been all about data, graphing and probability in this week's Math class and we will continue with the next week including taking the chapter 4 quiz.  We will also prepare for the Unit 1 test which will cover chapters 1-4. 

In Science we continued our chapter of study on plants.  Next week we will conclude the chapter with the chapter quiz.  The students have enjoyed spending time outside exploring different kinds and parts of plants. 

This week we read the first story of the Unit 2 series titled Nature Walk. The story was called "Henry and Mudge, The Starry Night".  Next week we will read a non-fiction story titled "Exploring Parks with Ranger Dockett".  It has been great to see the students getting on the routine of pre-reading, reading and post-reading these stories.  I've seen reading improvement in all the students.  Keep it up! 

In English this week we continued going through the writing process on the student's Personal Narrative.  Most of the students are finished with the proofreading stage and next week we will publish the story in the computer lab.  Once they are all finished I will post them to my blog for all to enjoy. 

Congratulations to Shin for being this week's student of the week.  Shin is very helpful and responsible in class. 

October 15-19
Monday - Spelling quiz (quiz words: brook, tool, wool, full, roof, group, prove, stool, cocoon); superb Bonus words (bonus words: nutrient, seedling, certain, probable, impossible)
Wednesday - Chapter 4 quiz "Data, Graphing and Probability"
Thursday - Handwriting quiz
Friday - Science quiz on Chapter 1 "Plants are living things" 

October 31st is Halloween and HIS will have a fancy dress day.  Students are encouraged to dress up and parents are encouraged to come to the school between 9:00-9:40 to the basketball court and enjoy the songs sung by each grade.  Parents please feel free to dress up as well if you're feeling festive.

10/12 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes
Math WB 4.9
English Journal "What is your favorite holiday and why?"
Spelling Review for quiz
Reading comprehension WB "T time with elephants"

10/11 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes,
Math WB 4.8
Reading WB 102-108

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Homework 10/9

Homework: Read for 30 minutes
Math WB 4.7
Reading Comprehension WB "Rock Collecting"
Reading WB 97-101

10/8 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes
Spelling write sentences for new words; brook, tool, wool, full, roof, group, prove, stool, cocoon, superb
bonus words; nutrient, seedling, certain, probable, impossible.
Math WB 4.6

Friday, October 5, 2012

October 8-12

Great Awareness Week!

This week was Awareness Week here at HIS and the second grade had
plenty of learning moments throughout the week. From learning what to
do if you are a victim, bystander or aggressor to how to go about
reporting to a teacher (which included the difference between
reporting and tattling). On Friday we also presented to the school
different ways to stand up to a aggressor if you are being bullied.
Well done to everyone!

We have had a very fun week in Math class! We worked on giving and
interpreting surveys which included the students making their own
survey and asking school mates questions at recess time. Then they
turned that information into a bar graph. They seemed to enjoy the
survey aspect greatly.

In Reading class we read a series of poems. There are some great
little poets in the class. Next week we will start our second unit of
short stories titled "Nature Walk". If you have a Theme CD for Unit 1
you can return it and I will give your child the second CD for theme

In Science we have been learning about all aspects of plants.
This included a short walk around the school collecting as many
different types of seeds as they could find. Next week we will continue
with this chapter which will include studying and categorizing types of leaves.

In English this week we started the writing process (pre-writing,
drafting, revising, proofreading and publishing). Students are on the
drafting stage of a personal narrative. Next week we will continue
with this process which will include publishing their personal

Please remind students to leave their toys at home.
Previously I haven't minded students bringing in toys to play with at recess
 time but this year too many students are playing with them during class
time. So for now I'm asking that the students leave all their toys

Congratulations to Wilbur Wu for being the student of the week. Wilbur
has shown a big improvement and a strong effort in being responsible
in class this week. Keep up the great effort!

Happy Birthday Jacob

October 8-12
Monday - Spelling Test: brush, juice, fruit, tube, crumb, few, true,
suit, due, blew - Bonus Words: bystander, aggressor, victim, taproot,
Wednesday - 10/10 Holiday No School! Have a great day off.

Here are some other upcoming dates to remember
October 26 Monthly Assembly
October 31 Fancy dress day (Halloween)
Nov 1-2 Mid-Semester break
Nov 6-7 Parent/Teacher meetings
Nov 14 Fun Day
Nov 22 American Thanksgiving/Lunch
Nov 30 Monthly Assembly
Dec. 3-7 Literacy Week

Recent Birthdays

Be a buddy not a bully!

Please stop by the secondary office if you are interested in purchasing a shirt and supporting UNICEF.

10/5 Homework

Homework - Read for 20 minutes
Math WB 4.5
Journal - What do you want to be when you grow up? What do you do at that job?
Spelling - Review for quiz (brush, juice, fruit, tube, crumb, few, true, suit, due, blew) bonus words (bystander, aggressor, victim, taproot, pictograph)
Reading Comprehension WB "Junk Art"

Thursday, October 4, 2012

10/4 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes
Math WB 4.4
Science Collect any new seeds you can find
Reading Try or finish writing a poem (for fun)
* Practice Bullying sentences
* Sign comprehension quiz

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

10/3 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes
Math WB 4.3
Reading WB 88-91

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

10/2 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes
Math WB 4.2
Reading Comprehension WB "Robot Fun"
*Sign math quiz

* Dress in blue to promote awareness week

Monday, October 1, 2012

10/1 Homework

Homework: read for 20 minutes
Spelling write sentences for new words: brush, juice, fruit, tube, crumb, few, true, suit, due, blew. Bonus words: bystander, aggressor, victim, taproot, pictograph
Reading WB 84-87
Math WB 4.1
*Sign tests