Friday, October 12, 2012

October 15-19

It's been all about data, graphing and probability in this week's Math class and we will continue with the next week including taking the chapter 4 quiz.  We will also prepare for the Unit 1 test which will cover chapters 1-4. 

In Science we continued our chapter of study on plants.  Next week we will conclude the chapter with the chapter quiz.  The students have enjoyed spending time outside exploring different kinds and parts of plants. 

This week we read the first story of the Unit 2 series titled Nature Walk. The story was called "Henry and Mudge, The Starry Night".  Next week we will read a non-fiction story titled "Exploring Parks with Ranger Dockett".  It has been great to see the students getting on the routine of pre-reading, reading and post-reading these stories.  I've seen reading improvement in all the students.  Keep it up! 

In English this week we continued going through the writing process on the student's Personal Narrative.  Most of the students are finished with the proofreading stage and next week we will publish the story in the computer lab.  Once they are all finished I will post them to my blog for all to enjoy. 

Congratulations to Shin for being this week's student of the week.  Shin is very helpful and responsible in class. 

October 15-19
Monday - Spelling quiz (quiz words: brook, tool, wool, full, roof, group, prove, stool, cocoon); superb Bonus words (bonus words: nutrient, seedling, certain, probable, impossible)
Wednesday - Chapter 4 quiz "Data, Graphing and Probability"
Thursday - Handwriting quiz
Friday - Science quiz on Chapter 1 "Plants are living things" 

October 31st is Halloween and HIS will have a fancy dress day.  Students are encouraged to dress up and parents are encouraged to come to the school between 9:00-9:40 to the basketball court and enjoy the songs sung by each grade.  Parents please feel free to dress up as well if you're feeling festive.

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