Friday, October 19, 2012

October 22-26

The second grade class celebrated two birthdays this week. Happy
Birthday to Jin and Abigail!

In Math Class we completed Chapter 4 "Data, Graphing and Probability"
and have been reviewing the Unit 1 test which will cover everything
from Chapter 1 to 4. That test will be on Monday.  We will also start
a new unit and Chapter 5 "Place Values".

In Science we concluded the chapter on "Plants Are Living Things". The
students all enjoyed exploring and learning about plants. This
included plant parts, what they need to survive and the life cycle.

Next week we will start Chapter 2 in Social Studies - "The World
Around Us". We will be looking at different regions, climate and land
forms with a focus on maps and grids.

In Reading class we continued with our unit 2 theme "Nature Walk" and
read a non-fiction story "Exploring Parks with Ranger Dockett". Next
week we will continue with this theme and read a new story "Around the
Pond: Who's been Here?"

In English class we worked on the writing process for the students'
personal narratives.  The students have been typing their story up in
neat publishable format.  We will make them into a book and put it on
display in the library.  Next week we will also start Unit 3 "Nouns
and Pronouns".

Congratulations to Shunta Toyama for being this week's student of the
week. Shunta has been very focused in class and is always working on
the task at hand. Keep it up!

Next Friday is the school assembly which will start at 2:20 pm.
Parents are welcome to attend.

October 22-26
Monday - Spelling Quiz (pound, howl, jaw, bounce, always, shout, aloud
couple, false, couch. Bonus Words: explore, habitat, protect, ranger,
Monday - Math Test on Chapters 1-4
Wednesday - Reading quiz
Friday - School Assembly

Have a great week! Please feel free to email me or stop in after
school if you would like to chat or have any questions about your

Best Wishes,

James Anderson

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