Wednesday, October 31, 2012

November 5-9

We had a short but sweet week for the second grade class.  The
students practiced hard for their Halloween song and we all had a fun
morning parading in our costumes and listening to the songs sung by
other classes.

Next week will be a full week with the parent/teacher meetings on
Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon and evening. A pre-conference form has
been sent home with your child today. If you can fill it out and send
it back on Monday that would help me be more prepared for our meeting.
My meeting with each parent(s) will be 15 minutes.  I will stick to
this schedule and if we require more time we can arrange another time
to meet either later that day or later in the week.

First quarter reports have been sent home with your child today.

In Math we will continue with Chapter 6 Number Concepts and Patterns.

In Social Studies the students have been very curious about what
we've been learning and we will continue learning about climate and
weather patterns next week.

In English we will continue Unit 3 on Nouns and Pronouns. We will also
have a Reading Comprehension quiz next week.

In Reading we will read and compare a non-fiction story ("Owls") with
a fiction story ("Owl Moon").

Congratulations to Jacob Chen for being the Student of the Week! He
has been doing a great job of asking questions when he is unsure of
the answer and is always ready for class in the morning.

 November 5-9

Monday - Spelling Quiz (horse, chore, firm, dirty, curve, world, pure,
thirteen, search, shirt. Bonus Words: immerse, coax, transparent,
transfer, greasy)

Thursday - Reading Comprehension Quiz

Friday - Science Quiz on Chapter 2 "The World Around Us"

I Want Candy! The song.

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