Friday, October 26, 2012

October 29-31

First, welcome, Phillip, to the second grade class!

Next week is the mid-semester break so we will have a shorter week -
Monday to Wednesday.

Your child will bring home a conformation form today for the
parent/teacher meetings which will be held on November 6th and 7th. I
look forward to talking more with you then.

In Math this week we focused on number place values and different ways
to represent numbers. On Monday we will have a quiz on this and then
start Chapter 6,  Number Concepts and Patterns.

In Social Studies we continued with Unit 2 and focused on different
types of land forms and how to interpret maps. Part of the homework
this weekend will be making up a map of the student's own
neighborhoods. A detailed description of this assignment is in the
homework book.  Next week we will look at seasons and climates.

In Reading, we read the story,  "Around the Pond: Who's Been Here?". Due
to the shorter week next week we will not read a story from the
Reading book but focus on reviewing the stories and assignments we
have done so far in Reading class.

In English we started Unit 3, "Nouns and Pronouns". Next week we will
continue with this and the students will present their personal
narratives to the class before displaying them in the library.

This week's Student of the Week is Kisa. She has made improvements in  
class and always asks when she is not sure of the answer. Keep up the hard work! 
Congratulations to Jin Lee for earning the 2nd grade caring student award. Jin is always respectful to others and works well with all students. Great job!  

Dates to remember for October 29-31
Monday - Spelling quiz (Test Words: gear, spear, stare, alarm, cheer,
hairy, starve, beard, scarf, startle. Bonus Words: relative location,
absolute location, land form, region, climate)
Tuesday - Math Chapter 5 quiz
Wednesday - 9-10:20 am Fancy Dress Day Parade and songs at the
basketball court. Parents are welcome to come and join us.
Thursday and Friday - No School (Mid-Semester Break)

  • October 31 Fancy dress day (Halloween)
  • Nov 1-2 Mid-Semester break
  • Nov 6-7 Parent/Teacher meetings
  • Nov 14 Fun Day
  • Nov 22 American Thanksgiving/Lunch
  • Nov 30 Monthly Assembly
  • Dec 3-7 Literacy Week
  • Dec 4 School book sale
  • Dec 6 Cave’s book sale
  • Dec 7 Spelling Bee
  • Dec 13 Christmas concert rehearsal
  • Dec 14 Christmas concert (evening)
  • Dec 17 Monthly Assembly
  • Dec 18 Half day

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