Friday, October 5, 2012

October 8-12

Great Awareness Week!

This week was Awareness Week here at HIS and the second grade had
plenty of learning moments throughout the week. From learning what to
do if you are a victim, bystander or aggressor to how to go about
reporting to a teacher (which included the difference between
reporting and tattling). On Friday we also presented to the school
different ways to stand up to a aggressor if you are being bullied.
Well done to everyone!

We have had a very fun week in Math class! We worked on giving and
interpreting surveys which included the students making their own
survey and asking school mates questions at recess time. Then they
turned that information into a bar graph. They seemed to enjoy the
survey aspect greatly.

In Reading class we read a series of poems. There are some great
little poets in the class. Next week we will start our second unit of
short stories titled "Nature Walk". If you have a Theme CD for Unit 1
you can return it and I will give your child the second CD for theme

In Science we have been learning about all aspects of plants.
This included a short walk around the school collecting as many
different types of seeds as they could find. Next week we will continue
with this chapter which will include studying and categorizing types of leaves.

In English this week we started the writing process (pre-writing,
drafting, revising, proofreading and publishing). Students are on the
drafting stage of a personal narrative. Next week we will continue
with this process which will include publishing their personal

Please remind students to leave their toys at home.
Previously I haven't minded students bringing in toys to play with at recess
 time but this year too many students are playing with them during class
time. So for now I'm asking that the students leave all their toys

Congratulations to Wilbur Wu for being the student of the week. Wilbur
has shown a big improvement and a strong effort in being responsible
in class this week. Keep up the great effort!

Happy Birthday Jacob

October 8-12
Monday - Spelling Test: brush, juice, fruit, tube, crumb, few, true,
suit, due, blew - Bonus Words: bystander, aggressor, victim, taproot,
Wednesday - 10/10 Holiday No School! Have a great day off.

Here are some other upcoming dates to remember
October 26 Monthly Assembly
October 31 Fancy dress day (Halloween)
Nov 1-2 Mid-Semester break
Nov 6-7 Parent/Teacher meetings
Nov 14 Fun Day
Nov 22 American Thanksgiving/Lunch
Nov 30 Monthly Assembly
Dec. 3-7 Literacy Week

Recent Birthdays

Be a buddy not a bully!

Please stop by the secondary office if you are interested in purchasing a shirt and supporting UNICEF.

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