Friday, November 29, 2013

November 25 - December 6

What an exciting week we have had! The students enjoyed the field trip on Wednesday to the Silk Worm Farm. We are looking for a constant supply of mulberry leaves to feed our new class pets. If you find some, or know someone with a mulberry tree, please kindly bring them in.

Thanksgiving lunch was also a success. What a delicious feast! Thank you to all the parents who came and brought in food to share.

In Math this week we continued Topic 8, Adding Two-Digit numbers. Next week we will conclude this topic and start Topic 9, Subtracting two-Digit numbers.

Next week in English we will review Chapter 3, Nouns and Pronouns and have a quiz.

In Science we studied different kinds of life cycles (including the silk worm) and next week we will conclude this chapter.

In Social Studies next week we will continue Chapter 2, The World Around Us, with a focus on Maps.

For Reading class this week we read the story, "China Town" and next week will read "A Trip to the Firehouse".

Congratulations to Heather Cheng for being this week's Student of the Week! Heather was very excited to go on the field trip and was a good leader while we were there. She also has made good improvement in finishing her work in class. Keep it up! 

Literacy Month starts next week. Each grade will be doing a Read-a-Thon. Please find more information on this in the newsletter. Next week students will find sponsors and on December 6th start logging minutes read. More to come on Literacy Month later.

Upcoming Dates
Monday - Spelling Quiz (coast, goal, spoke, gold, wrote, crow, coal, bowl, shock, broke. Bonus Words: life cycle, reproduce, offspring, larva, pupa)
Wednesday - Math Quiz, Topic 8 “Adding 2 digit numbers",
Wednesday - Caves Book Sale (Students may bring in money to order books)
Wednesday - Dress as your favorite book character
Thursday - English Chapter 3 quiz
Thursday - Science Chapter 3 quiz
Friday - Read-a-Thon sponsor forms due (school goal of 500 sponsors)

Dec 2 to Jan 17 - Literacy Week
Dec 4 - Caves Book Sale
Dec 11 - Christmas concert rehearsal
Dec 13 (evening) - Christmas concert
Dec 18 - Half day
Dec 19 to Jan 5 - Christmas break
Jan 17 - Spelling Bee
Jan 17 - Last day of Read-a-Thon


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math (finish 8.4-8.5 if not completed) Workbook 8.6,
Spelling Review for quiz,
Journal "If you could choose one superpower to have for a day, what would you select? Describe in detail your activities as a superhero."

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 8.5,
English Grammar Workbook 30, 37, 38,

Bring in Mulberry leaves if you can for our silk worms.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Complete Field Trip Worksheet,

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 8.3,

Field Trip. Bring water bottle, HIS shirt with warm clothes and an umbrella.

* Please have your child tell me in the morning if they will not take the bus home with the rest of the class.

Monday, November 25, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 8.2,
Spelling write sentences for new words: coast, goal, spoke, gold, wrote, crow, coal, bowl, shock, broke. Bonus Words: life cycle, reproduce, offspring, larva, pupa.

Field Trip this Wednesday will still take place if it rains. The weather forecast is calling for a small chance of rain so students should bring an umbrella and a raincoat. Here is my cell number in case you need to get a hold of me on the day -0987-121-860.

Friday, November 22, 2013

November 18-29

Welcome to another glimpse into the second grade class. What a nice week we had! The kids did a wonderful job bringing coins and clothes in for the fundraiser to help victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. Thank you for all that support. Our class has had a direct effect helping the people who lost everything.

We had a learning-filled week which was capped off by the students' presentations on the animal they researched. I was very impressed by how well their first major presentation went. Please enjoy the photos of this below. Well done!

Next week we have many events scheduled. On Wednesday we will be going on a field trip. Students should bring a backpack with their water bottle and appropriate clothes for being outdoors. They may also bring a snack if they wish. Lunch and a drink will be provided by the school if your child eats the school lunch.

Thursday will be the Thanksgiving Potluck Lunch at 12:30 in the cafeteria. Parents may bring their dish down to the cafeteria at 12:30 to set up and the second graders will be down shortly after that.

Friday is the school assembly. As always you are welcome to come in for that.

In Math this week we completed topic 7, Mental Subtraction, and started topic 8, Two Digit Subtraction. Next week we will continue with this.

In English we continued with Unit 3, Nouns and Pronouns and next week we will review this unit.

In Reading class we read and learned about Fables. Next week we will start Theme 3 and read a story called Chinatown.

In Science we will continue our unit on Animal Life Cycles and will learn about the life cycle of a silk worm on our field trip.

In Social Studies we continued with Chapter 2, The World Around Us and next week we will continue with this.

Congratulations to Yu Shimono for being this week's Student of the Week. Yu was very brave during her presentation on Thursday and always gets along well with her classmates. Keep up the good effort!

Dates to remember
Monday -Spelling Quiz (brick, skill, lift, crime, live, blind, sting, shine, sigh, build. Bonus Words: presentation, fundraising, typhoon, Philippines, grateful)
Wednesday - Field trip. Please be at school on time so we may leave at 8:45.
Thursday - Thanksgiving Lunch
Friday - Assembly at 2:20 PM in the library

Have a wonderful weekend.



Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 8.1,
Spelling Review for quiz,
Journal "Describe a "fantasy" day in your life. If you could design a whole day to do anything and everything you wanted, what would you choose to do?"

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Review for quiz topic 7,
English Grammar Workbook 26-29,

* Friday is the last day to bring in money to add to the houses for the Philippines fundraiser. So far the second grade has filled up 7 houses.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 7.4,
Science - Practice giving presentation using your note card, see PowerPoint below. Presentation Tomorrow.

* Fund raising bake sale will be tomorrow during recess and lunch. 10nt per piece of dessert.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 7.4,
Science - Practice giving presentation using your note card, see PowerPoint below.

* Fund raising bake sale will be tomorrow during recess and lunch. 10nt per piece of dessert.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Animal Research Project

Ashley C:
Ashley W:


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math - Workbook 7.3,
Spelling Write sentences for new words: brick, skill, lift, crime, live, blind, sting, shine, sigh, build. Bonus Words: presentation, fundraising, typhoon, Philippines, grateful.

* There is a clothing box outside the office if you have old clothes you would like to donate to the people affected by the the recent typhoon in the Philippines.

* Second grade filled one house today for the coin drive.  Well done! This will take place for the next 4 weeks.

Friday, November 15, 2013

November 11-22

Good day once again to all you second grade blog followers. It's been a busy and happy week. We have been working hard on the PowerPoint presentations and had loads of fun during Fun Day. It was nice to see so many parents there to watch the children participate in the activities.

This week in Math we completed Chapter 6, Mental Addition and started Chapter 7, Mental Subtraction. Next week we will finish Chapter 7 and start chapter 8, Adding Two-Digit numbers. 

In Reading class, we read two stories on Owls that concluded theme 2, Nature. Next week we will focus on Fables. This will include reading many famous fables and learning the different aspects of a fable. 

In Science we concluded Chapter 2, Animals are Living Things and worked on our Animal Research project. On Monday I will place the students' presentations on my blog so they are able to practice at school and at home. The class presentations are scheduled to take place next Thursday. 

In Social Studies we started Unit Two, The World Around Us. We constructed a map labeling different land form features. Next week we will continue with this chapter. 

In English class we continued with Chapter 3, Nouns and Pronouns and will continue with this next week. 

Congratulations to Takahiro Tanaka for being this week's Student of the Week. Takahiro has shown such good improvement lately with English and he always gets along well with this classmates. Keep up the great work!

Dates to remember
Monday - Spelling Quiz (peach, sweet, feast, free, reach, kept, spent, least, cheap, fresh. Bonus Words: peninsula, island, gulf, desert, plain) 
Thursday - Math Quiz on Chapter 7
Thursday - Animal Research Presentations
November 27th - 2nd Grade field trip to the Silk Worm Farm
November 28th - American Thanksgiving /Lunch at 12:30 PM 
November 29th - Monthly Assembly
December 6th - Spelling Bee
December 11th - Christmas concert rehearsal
December 13th - Christmas concert (evening)
December 18th - Half day