Friday, November 15, 2013

November 11-22

Good day once again to all you second grade blog followers. It's been a busy and happy week. We have been working hard on the PowerPoint presentations and had loads of fun during Fun Day. It was nice to see so many parents there to watch the children participate in the activities.

This week in Math we completed Chapter 6, Mental Addition and started Chapter 7, Mental Subtraction. Next week we will finish Chapter 7 and start chapter 8, Adding Two-Digit numbers. 

In Reading class, we read two stories on Owls that concluded theme 2, Nature. Next week we will focus on Fables. This will include reading many famous fables and learning the different aspects of a fable. 

In Science we concluded Chapter 2, Animals are Living Things and worked on our Animal Research project. On Monday I will place the students' presentations on my blog so they are able to practice at school and at home. The class presentations are scheduled to take place next Thursday. 

In Social Studies we started Unit Two, The World Around Us. We constructed a map labeling different land form features. Next week we will continue with this chapter. 

In English class we continued with Chapter 3, Nouns and Pronouns and will continue with this next week. 

Congratulations to Takahiro Tanaka for being this week's Student of the Week. Takahiro has shown such good improvement lately with English and he always gets along well with this classmates. Keep up the great work!

Dates to remember
Monday - Spelling Quiz (peach, sweet, feast, free, reach, kept, spent, least, cheap, fresh. Bonus Words: peninsula, island, gulf, desert, plain) 
Thursday - Math Quiz on Chapter 7
Thursday - Animal Research Presentations
November 27th - 2nd Grade field trip to the Silk Worm Farm
November 28th - American Thanksgiving /Lunch at 12:30 PM 
November 29th - Monthly Assembly
December 6th - Spelling Bee
December 11th - Christmas concert rehearsal
December 13th - Christmas concert (evening)
December 18th - Half day

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