Friday, November 15, 2013

Fundraising activity for Typhoon Haiyan

Dear Parents and Students,

The Grade 6 class has taken on a fundraising activity to raise awareness for the massive destruction that has occurred as a result of the recent Typhoon Haiyan, in one of our neighboring countries, the Philippines.

As this month’s character word is GRATEFUL we would like the children to become aware of what this word has meant to us this past week, as we realize how easily this could have affected us here in Taiwan. To assist in our school effort to try and raise some funds to donate towards the UNICEF fund-raising appeal, we would like the students to donate coins to see how their combined individual coin gifts will contribute towards something good to help people facing massive devastation.
We have drawn the image of a house; students will try and cover the house with coins. For each full house covered by coins, they will receive a tally mark on our school tally chart. We would like to see how many houses we will be able to cover as a school.

Please assist your child by allowing them to bring in any loose change in coins, whether it be NT$1, NT$5, NT$10 or NT$50. Every single coin will help towards this cause! Could we please ask that we keep to Taiwanese coins, as it will be too difficult to exchange any other currency.

Thank you for your support!

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