Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 6.3,
Reading Comprehension Workbook "Problem Solved",

Fun day is tomorrow from 1:15 - 2:50. Please wear your teams color to the best you can.

Field trip permission slips went home today (see below for information including website)

Dear Parents,

On November 27, Grade 2 will go on a field trip to the Silk Worm Farm
 togotw.com/037931264/index.htm. The students will be able to see the life cycle of the silk worm and learn how silk products are made. This field trip ties into our Science Curriculum, Animal Life Cycle, and it will prove to be an informative and enjoyable day. The bus will leave HIS at 8:40am and return to school in time for the 2:50 school bus. Lunch will be provided if your child normally gets the school lunch, otherwise, it must be brought from home.

The bus we have reserved will hold exactly 20 people (18 students and 2 teachers). However, parents are more than welcome to drive their own car and join us at the farm (students must ride the bus on the way there). Please let me know if you plan on driving yourself. 

I will send another letter soon to request information for insurance and to let you know the total cost of the bus, insurance and entry fee. Thank you for your cooperation.

James Anderson

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