Friday, November 8, 2013

November 4-15

It was so good to meet and talk with my students' parents this week. I look forward to continuing our conversations and following up on things discussed at the meetings. Please remember my door is always open 3:15 - 4:30 Wednesday to Friday if you would like to stop in. Otherwise please email or use the communication book to get in touch. 

For Reading next week we will read two stories, Owl Moon and Owls and compare them.

In Math this week we completed our topic on Counting Money. Well done to all students! We also started Topic 6, Mental Addition and next week we will complete this and start Topic 7, Mental Subtraction. 

For English we worked on Unit 3, Nouns. Next week we will continue this topic. 

In Science this week we reviewed Chapter 2 (which we will have a quiz on Monday 11th November). We also researched an animal for our presentation. Next week we will be putting our presentation together on PowerPoint and will present it to the class the following week. 

Next week in Social Studies we will start Chapter 2, The World Around Us.

Wednesday 13th November (1:10 - 3:00 in the afternoon) is Fun Day. The 6th graders have organized 10-minute activities for Fun Day and the elementary school will break up into teams for these activities. Students should wear comfortable PE clothes (layers are better) and bring a water bottle and sun protection (if necessary). Parents are welcome to come in and cheer the students on. Please see the teams below and have your child wear clothes that match his or her team color. 

The Student of the Week this week is Chris Choi. Chris has been enthusiastically answering questions in class and working well with his classmates. Keep it up! 

Upcoming dates
Monday - Spelling Quiz (skate, gain, safe, drag, past, shape, plant, pain, sale, break. Bonus Words: armadillo, beak, claws, flipper, feathers)
Monday - Science Quiz on Chapter 2,
Wednesday - Fun Day 1:10 - 3:00 (at the track behind the school)
Thursday - Math Quiz on Topic 7 Mental Math

Have a wonderful weekend. 

Mixed Media Art - in the library 

Animal Research Project

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