Friday, November 29, 2013

November 25 - December 6

What an exciting week we have had! The students enjoyed the field trip on Wednesday to the Silk Worm Farm. We are looking for a constant supply of mulberry leaves to feed our new class pets. If you find some, or know someone with a mulberry tree, please kindly bring them in.

Thanksgiving lunch was also a success. What a delicious feast! Thank you to all the parents who came and brought in food to share.

In Math this week we continued Topic 8, Adding Two-Digit numbers. Next week we will conclude this topic and start Topic 9, Subtracting two-Digit numbers.

Next week in English we will review Chapter 3, Nouns and Pronouns and have a quiz.

In Science we studied different kinds of life cycles (including the silk worm) and next week we will conclude this chapter.

In Social Studies next week we will continue Chapter 2, The World Around Us, with a focus on Maps.

For Reading class this week we read the story, "China Town" and next week will read "A Trip to the Firehouse".

Congratulations to Heather Cheng for being this week's Student of the Week! Heather was very excited to go on the field trip and was a good leader while we were there. She also has made good improvement in finishing her work in class. Keep it up! 

Literacy Month starts next week. Each grade will be doing a Read-a-Thon. Please find more information on this in the newsletter. Next week students will find sponsors and on December 6th start logging minutes read. More to come on Literacy Month later.

Upcoming Dates
Monday - Spelling Quiz (coast, goal, spoke, gold, wrote, crow, coal, bowl, shock, broke. Bonus Words: life cycle, reproduce, offspring, larva, pupa)
Wednesday - Math Quiz, Topic 8 “Adding 2 digit numbers",
Wednesday - Caves Book Sale (Students may bring in money to order books)
Wednesday - Dress as your favorite book character
Thursday - English Chapter 3 quiz
Thursday - Science Chapter 3 quiz
Friday - Read-a-Thon sponsor forms due (school goal of 500 sponsors)

Dec 2 to Jan 17 - Literacy Week
Dec 4 - Caves Book Sale
Dec 11 - Christmas concert rehearsal
Dec 13 (evening) - Christmas concert
Dec 18 - Half day
Dec 19 to Jan 5 - Christmas break
Jan 17 - Spelling Bee
Jan 17 - Last day of Read-a-Thon

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